I read a
blog article titled “Importance of Engineering” by Adam Symons. It takes a spin
on its actual title and uses it as a political tool to emphasize the need for
upgraded infrastructure in the United Kingdom.
We can essentially call it a remix on the topic as it is not called the “Importance
of Engineering” to factually report the importance of engineering in the world,
but used as an engine for an opinion by the author who is a politician. Politicians
can usually be pretty persuasive in their opinions and will find all means necessary
to be clever in addressing a large audience. The author talks about how the
overuse of the word engineering has taken a toll on the academic discipline as
people now feel it’s overvalued when it is really undervalued. The author also
talks about that even with limited money, engineers can always find a way to do
the job. Optimizing a solution is a big thing that engineers are known for. He
goes onto talk about how we need to be looking at the money that is being spent
and see if it can be better spent elsewhere.
My response
to this article overall is that it feels like a campaign speech. In other
words, lack of facts, lots of highly positive opinion. There is only one fact
stated in this entire “remix” and that is when the author goes onto to citing
international research on a topic involving children and the quality of
education linked to how well the teaching profession is received in the world. As
a future engineer myself, I am not a fan of any opinion without substantial
facts to back it up and if the author truly has a passion on the matter, they
would put the time in to do the research. Here, I am just not making a
connection with the author. Maybe instead of just saying “…many parts of Europe
are far ahead of us in terms of infrastructure,” the author could display
pictures making a comparison between the infrastructure of other countries and
the UK. To me, that seems fair to the people that he is trying to sell his
point. Overall, I do like the positive aspect of this article. I may not agree
with the author on certain things, but it is important that the world knows the
importance on the education of engineers. As engineers further our progress in
the world (IE the engineers behind the US highway system, NASA, etc), the
education they receive is more vital. This blog connects emotionally well with
engineers, but does lack credibility on its claims.
Nice critical analysis--good!